OFF THE CUFF: A highway paved with gold

AS THE AUDIT NET encircling alleged malefactors in the previous government continues expanding, the size of the entrapped fish grows.The latest one to be hauled into public view is an alleged extra cost overrun of $60 million dollars in the construction of the expansion of the Arraiján-La Chorrera highway.

 It was reported Tuesday, Jan 6, by the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) to the Committee on Infrastructure and Public Affairs in the National Assembly.
Communications sent by both the MOP as the National Assembly say that the report contained ” alleged cost overruns in construction calculations, so it is estimated that there are about $60 million more to be investigated “.
“Once we determine whether there was an overrun, it will be up to the MOP legal department to take appropriate action,” the statement said.

The design and construction for the rehabilitation and widening of the Arraiján-La Chorrera highway project was done by Transcaribe Trading Company (TCT).
Official reports indicate that the work cost $159.9 million, after an addendum of $ 7.3 million was approved.