Pope names Panama’s first cardinal

POPE FRANCISCO has named José Luis Lacunza Maestrojuan, 70-year-old Bishop of David, as Panama’s first cardinal. The pontiff  revealed a list of 15 new cardinals from 14 different countries on Sunday, January 4 during the Angelus prayer in St. Peter’s Square.

 They will be granted the right to vote in the next conclave to elect the new head of the Catholic Church.
The Pope also named two other Latin Americans as Cardinals: Mexican Alberto Suárez Inda , Archbishop of Morelia, and Daniel Fernando Sturla Berhouet, Archbishop of Montevideo, Uruguay.
On 12 and 13 February12 -13 there will be a consistory with all the cardinals to reflect on the reform of the Roman Curia. It is the second Francisco consistory.
During his pontificate has created 39 cardinals of the 228 that make up the College of Cardinals. Eight are over 80 years of age, and therefore have no right to vote in a possible conclave to elect a new head of the Catholic Church.
Italy is the country with most Cardinals (51), followed by the US with 19.
As every Sunday, Lacunza celebrated Mass in the Cathedral Church of St. Joseph of David. There, he said he learned of the news through a call from Spain received by his sister.
He then called the apostolic nuncio Andrés Carrascosa Coso, who explained that the Pope has his own style of communicating his decisions. This time, in fact, he did it through the media.
Lacunza, announced that he will travel to Rome, for his inauguration in February. However, he said, he hopes to stay ahead of the Catholic Church in Chiriqui.
President Juan Carlos Varela, through his Twitter account said he shared the joy felt by the Panamanian people over the appointment