Future PAN buck stops here says Varela

PRESIDENT, Juan Carlos Varela, says that he will not close the National Assistance Program (PAN), despite the alleged corruption scandals detected in the administration of the government of former president, Ricardo Martinelli.

In a statement at a Christmas concert at the Metropolitan Cathedral in San Felipe Varela on Monday Decmber 23 Varela said: “In this we must be strong. The PAN reports to the Ministry of the Presidency. If you find something wrong in the PAN on my government I will be responsible too. In the end, the PAN is also part of the Presidency of the Republic”
Martinelli is one of those who has called for the closure of the PAN.
“Many wanted PAN to be closed and auditing not to continue. But we must follow through on the audits. The more you audit, the more situations are appearing that go to the judicial system,” he said
Varela also called for more transparency in bidding that makes this program aimed, in theory, at social support reports La Prensa.
“You can be more clear on the issue of procurement. The PAN must publically open the envelopes of the [economic] proposals for projects and not open them privately” he added.