Metro bus strike looms after firings

THE FIRING by Mi Bus of 80 Metro bus drivers for absenteeism in working hours on Wednesday afternoon, December 3, led to a call for a strike starting after midnight on Thursday with the union calling the firings “persecution” after struggling for safety and work conditions to improve.

Antenor Guadamuz, secretary general of the Union of Metro Bus Operators, said a general assembly e within six yards of My Bus operations, took the decision to launch a strike to demand the reinstatement of drivers.
According Guadamuz “layoffs are unjustified, we have the evidence to present to the ministry and the company, but now we see a marriage between Mi Bus and Mitradel”.
The Secretary General of the Ministry of Labor and Workforce Development (Mitradel), Samuel Rivera, said they will meet with workers to mediate this situation, however, he asked drivers not to affect the users, who need transport to travel to their jobs .
Mitradel has made several inspections of Mi Bus on topics such as job security, overtime pay, occupational health and condition of the vehicles, detecting various faults by the company.
Mitradel authorities reported that they wil hold immediate meetings with the workers
The director of the Transit Authority and Land Transport (ATTT), Julio said it remained in talks with the manager of Mi Bus, Fernando Villegas, as the company must provide the service for users, as stated in the contract but contingency measures were being coordinated
In the worst case scenario, , another fleet of buses like the Cooperativa San Cristobal de Chepo, could be called in.
Gonzalez asked drivers to provide the service without speculating with the fare. Those who do will be removed forever from the transportation sector, said González,