PAN corruption suspect remains tight lipped

THE FORMER director of the National Aid Program (PAN), Rafael Guardia Jaén, on Wednesday November 26, invoked his constitutional right to remain silent during questioning by prosecutors investigating him for alleged acts of corruption.

The questioning was carried out at the headquarters of the Public Prosecutor’s Office on Vía España.
According to article 25 of the Constitution, “no one is obliged to make statements in a criminal case against himself.”
Guardia Jaén has been detained since last week in a cell at the headquarters of the Department of Judicial Investigation in Ancón. He directed PAN between 2012 and 2014.
He faces at least eight charges related to his management of the program. Authorities have seized $13 million hidden in bank accounts linked to the former director, as well as multiple homes and apartments, luxury cars and jewelry reports La Prensa
During his 23 months as head of the agency, Guardia Jaén earned $161,000.