OFF THE CUFF: Uncovering buried treasures

WITH OVER 150 banks in Panama there’s a lot of work ahead for The First Anti-Corruption Prosecutor who has been trolling them for signs of hidden assets of former director of the National Assistance Program Guardia Rafael Jaen.
In the first week she located $9 million in accounts related to the man living in ultra luxurious style in a Costa Del Este mansion. The second week another $2 million was discovered and on Tuesday, November 25 the treasure hunters found another $2million in the Ficosha bank, bringing the amount of the horde in checking accounts and term deposits to $13 million Like the previous finds Tuesday’s haul was provisionally seized but he presumably still has some small change to pay for the take away meals that are delivered to his cell each day.
On Wednesday the high roller went in handcuffs to meet the First and Second Anti-corruption prosecutors, who have kept him under arrest for embezzlement. Will Guardia like the pirates of old, be able to provide a treasure chart marking the location of his presumed loot