From Mansion to cell and handcuffs

THE FORMER high flyer who headed The National Aid Program (PAN) has exchanged his million dollar mansion in Costa del Este for a cell in the Department of Judicial Investigation (DIJ) in Ancon.

On Tuesday, November 18 Rafael Guardia Jaén, who was detained Monday on corruption charges, was taken in handcuffs from his cell to the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Calidonia for a mental health evaluation.
His lawyer, Javier Quintero, today acknowledged that accounts containing $9 million that were seized as part of the investigation belong to corporations of which Guardia Jaén is either a signatory or a registered officer.
Humberto Mas, director of the institute, said that Guardia Jaén will undergo a psychological and psychiatric assessment at the request of the first anti-corruption prosecutor.
He was escorted by agents of the Department of Judicial Investigation in Ancón, where he is being held, to the institute at 8:30 a.m. and returned shortly after 11 a.m.
So far, Guardia Jaén has not made any statements about the allegations against him.
A witness told prosecutors that PAN funds were diverted to finance the election campaigns of CD members, the party founded by former President Ricardo Martinelli, who appointed Guardia Jaén reports La Prensa
Quintero said this morning that there is no evidence to prove his client committed any crimes. He did not provide any explanation of the $9 million or the properties his client purchased while the director of PAN.