CORRUPTION :Minnows” with $7 million, shark next?

$NINE BANK ACCOUNTS totaling some$7 million have been found under the name of the former Director of the National Assistance Program (PAN) Rafael Guardia Jaen, law enforcement sources have confirmed.

The discovery follows steps taken on Wednesday, November 12 by the First Anticorruption Prosecutor when accounts totaling $4 in Unibank were seized. The new accounts and deposits of $3.32million were located at Banesco
The seizing of funds in excess of $ 7 million related to eight Guardia Jaén complaints filed against him at the Public Ministry, relating to economic injury to PAN, according to sources reports La Prensa.
The seizure of the accounts is because the amounts found in bank accounts and fixed deposits in his favor not match his salary.
In 23 months as director he earned $161,000, before taxes and deductions . “We are with minnows, but will catch the shark,” said Adolfo Valderrama, President of the National Assembly.