Private medicine boom in Central America

A 15% INCREASE in the demand for private hospitals in Central America and Panama is expected for this year, because of the increase in the use of medical policies and a greater culture of prevention.
Despite the economic difficulties faced by each country in the region, demand in this sector has not diminished, as 60% of service users have private medical insurance. This underlies “… a growing culture of providing for medical emergencies and ensuring the health of families ” reports CentralAMericaData.

Jorge Cortés, president of the Association of Private Hospitals of Central America and Panama, told that “… growth in demand for services in the private sector hospitals will be ip to 15% at the end of the year … This growth will continue because health is a priority service for the population. “

“… El Salvador and Guatemala have the lower prices if you compare them to Panama. But this is a superficial difference because the costs of private health care in Central America are difficult to compare, taking into account the purchasing power and economy.