Drug shortage means painful holiday for many

FOR MOST Panamanians, the upcoming Independence holiday are a time for celebration and relaxing, but this year patients with chronic and painful illnesses are reacting to the near week long shut down with apprehension..

 Representatives of the National Federation of Associations of Patients with Critical, Chronic and Degenerative Diseases were asking on Thursday, October 31 that the Directorate of Pharmacies and Drugs of the Ministry of Health authorize the order of six drugs so that Social Security can make them available within the next 24 hours.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Foundation President Enma Pinzón said that it is vital to provide these drugs prior to the start of the Independence holidays. He said Social Security provided some of the medicines this week, but in amounts that were too small, reports La Prensa
On Monday, October 27, members of the federation closed part of Avenida Simon Bolivar in front of the Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital Complex to demand drugs that have been in short supply since June. .