$17.7 million pay day for Panama seniors

STARTING Tuesday September 6, 73,901 indigent senior citizens will receive 120 a month as the Ministry of Social Development begins the disbursement of $17.7 million for the 120 for 70 program through the National Bank of Panama and Caja de Ahorros..
The law has been modified to begin paying these benefits to people over the age of 65. They will enter the program Nov. 6. According to figures from the Ministry of Social Development, about 120,000 will be enrolled in the program by the end of the year reports La Prensa.$17.7 million pay day for to Panama seniors
STARTING Tuesday September 6, 73,901 indigent senior citizens will receive 120 a month as the Ministry of Social Development begins the disbursement of $17.7 million for the 120 for 70 program through the National Bank of Panama and Caja de Ahorros.. The law has been modified to begin paying these benefits to people over the age of 65. They will enter the program Nov. 6. According to figures from the Ministry of Social Development, about 120,000 will be enrolled in the program by the end of the year reports La Prensa.