DNA tests confirm bones from missing tourist


DNA TESTS performed on a second set of remains found on the banks of river Culubre in Bocas del Toro, confirmed that some of them belong to one of the Dutch tourists who were last seen alive on April 1 in Boquete, Chiriqui.

The identified remains were of Kris Kremers, 21

The report came from Chiriqui’s chief prosecutor of Bethsaida Pittí, who said that the second set of skeletal remains were found on August 2 near the site where previous remains were found and identified in  June.

Pittí, said that the latest evidence was found on the banks of river Culubre, less than two hours away from where they found the first.

Diomedes Trejos head of the Biomolecular Laboratory of the  Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Imelfc), said that among the group of skeletal remains recovered by a group of Indians were bones from  cattle and  swine  reports La Prensa.DNA tests confirm bones from missing tourist
DNA TESTS performed on a second set of remains found on the banks of river Culubre in Bocas del Toro, confirmed that some of them belong to one of the Dutch tourists who were last seen alive on April 1 in Boquete, Chiriqui.
The identified remains were of Kris Kremers, 21
The report came from Chiriqui’s chief prosecutor of Bethsaida Pittí, who said that the second set of skeletal remains were found on August 2 near the site where previous remains were found and identified in June.
Pittí, said that the latest evidence was found on the banks of river Culubre, less than two hours away from where they found the first.
Diomedes Trejos head of the Biomolecular Laboratory of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Imelfc), said that among the group of skeletal remains recovered by a group of Indians were bones from cattle and swine reports La Prensa.