Scandal ridden brokerage ordered liquidated

Scandal ridden brokerage in liquidation
THE SUPERINTENDENCY of Securities has ordered the liquidation of the assets of Financial Pacific after the discovery of serious irregularities that has put investors at risk.
The troubled brokerage has many unexplained clouds hanging over it including a disappeared auditor, threatened witnesses, an investigator stabbed while heading to its offices, and an employee, sitting in jail who alleged that former president Ricardo Martinelli was involved in a stock rigging scheme, and that her statements had been doctored by a former Attorney General, now a Supreme Court judge. All this and the disapperance of $12 million.
On July 2, regulatory authorities took over the management of the firm due to irregularities. Since then, regulators have discovered “suspicious transactions” which they have referred to the Attorney General.
According to the agency, the company maintained clients who had been convicted of financial crimes, in addition to breaching due diligence in accepting investors.