Cane for ethanol led to river poisoning

THE HERBICIDE that poisoned the La Villa River and left scores of thousands without water for washing, cooking or drinking for days, came from a farm producing sugar cane for ethanol production. Ethanol in gasoline in Panama was made mandatory by the previous administration, with increasing percentages over the next two years, when an ethanol plant owned by the Martinelli family comes on line.
The present government,s reviewing the law.
On Thursday, July 31, Herrera Judge Mayulis Sandoval continued the order that suspended agricultural operations on 116 hectares owned by the company Campos de Pesé due to the contamination of the river.The company, will continue operations on its other properties.
The judge ruled the company has to operate under the strict supervision of officials from the national environmental authority Anam and the Ministry of Agricultural Development, as well as the Public Prosecutor’s Office
During the hearing, Prosecutor Enereida Barría said that high levels of the herbicide atrazine, which caused the contamination of the river, were found on the land during inspections, on July 23.
Barría asked that the suspension be continued to protect the health of the community.
Campos de Pesé Chairman Rafael González said that the company will respect the judge’s decision 100 percent. He saidthat the company has been working with the authorities to restore tranquility to the population reports La Prensa.
Olmedo Sáenz, president of the Committee to Save La Villa River, wondered why doctors of the region have not spoken out about the pollution which has put the health of the population at risk, reports
Sáenz was also concerned about the lack of support the public prosecutor has had in the case