Panama Canal expansion tour and more

By Margot Thomas
SIX OF THE EIGHT giant 3000 ton lock gates to be used in the Atlantic end of the Panama Canal expansion project have been moved from the specially built unloading dock to the area where they will be installed into channels to performing their “rolling gates” function.
As the project moves closer to completion, opportunities to see the work in progress before the site is ready for flooding, are getting fewer which is why the CanadaPLUS Club has added an expansion tour to its upcoming events.
The visit will be on Saturday August 16. Participants will travel by bus, leaving from Parque Urraca at 9.30 am, and will receive a box lunch and liquid refreshments. The trip will also include a visit to the cost is $25 for members, $30 nonmembers ( plus $5 [entrance payable at the site for those with residence status For reservations call 6619-6890, or email clubcanadaplus Your tickets will be delivered to your home or office in Panama CIty
Next on the menu of the group that never stops, is the Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner. Which performs the dual function of celebrating the annual holiday with a gourmet dinner , dance, music and entertainment, with raising funds for the staging of the Carols by Candlelight event on December 6 Last year’s event was labeled “the best yet” by Canadian Ambassador Sylvia Cesaratto, and the organizers promise more of the same with some “surprise” additions.
This year, Ambassador Cesaratto will be joined by the ambassadors of Canada’s two founding nations, Britain and France. The date is Saturday October 11 Tickets are already on sale, and, as always with CanadaPLUS events, will be delivered to you. I will provide more details next week.
Coming up in November the Welcome Back Snowbirds celebration, followed by Carols by Candlelight, the Club’s anniversary 12th Night Rumble (January 6) And Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre # 4.
The CanadaPLUS Club, currently being registered as a Foundation, is a community group open to people of all nationalities, and dedicated to providing varied year round activities for its 500 members and associates. They also get access to an “opportunity” card providing access to discounted health insurance, legal fees and other services from language courses to printing and design and special offers at restaurants and entertainment events. If you are not already on their mailing list, just drop them a note. If you are interested in getting involved in any of the events or serving on an organizing committee, feel free to contact