Reviewing over 300, Martinelli pardons case by case

THE PARDONS granted by former President Ricardo Martinelli at the end of his term should be reviewed on a case by case basis. Aid Minister of Government Milton Henrí¬quez on Tuesday, July 15.
“There are more than 300 pardons. You have to act with responsibility and review each of the cases to determine if they have merit,” he said.
Lawyers reviewing the pardons will present a series of recommendations to see if they should be challenged before the Supreme Court.

He recalled that a pardon can only be granted in the case of a person who has been convicted for political offences reports La Prensa.
On the reductions of penalties – which includes criminal offences – the minister said it needs to be determined if those granted pardons were eligible at the time to receive them.
“Even if we are in agreement with the decision, it must be determined if it was within the presidential powers”, said Henríquez.
Martinelli granted pardons to people who allegedly committed criminal offences and those that are still under investigation for electoral irregularities.
The Executive is studying the possibility of challenging the pardons for unconstitutionality or repealing them through an executive order.