Supreme Court hits speed control camera deal

PANAMA’S SUPREME COURT has ruled that the speed control cameras provided by the company Traffic Safety can’t be used. When the contract was signed with the  Transit Authority,ATTT, in 2011, it was represented by Ricardo Chanis, president of Editora Panama America, S.A. (Epasa), a company in which former President Ricardo Martinelli is a key shareholder.

The Court’s Third Chamber ordered the temporary suspension of the contract that the company reached in 2011 with the transit authority ATTT.

The ruling has the signature of Abel Zamorano (alternate for Alejandro Moncada Luna), Víctor Benavides and Luis Ramón Fábrega. It was decided May 29, but released this week.

The provisional suspension was requested by the National Association of Vehicle Rental Agencies, who filed a lawsuit against the concession. In the ruling, the three judges pointed out problems with the contract that resulted in its suspension. It also said the concession violates laws regarding the system of execution of public works by administrative concession and regulations regarding public transport.

Even with the temporary suspension of the contract, the Court must now resolve the demand of illegality presented by the association. The cameras were put into operation in July 2013 without public consultation or a prior awareness campaign, and were shut off 15 days later reports La Prensa.

In just two weeks of operation, more than 2,000 speeding violations were recorded by two cameras in Costa del Este with the largest part of the fines going to Traffic Safety.