DNA tests confirms identity of second missing Dutch tourist

FORENSIC tests performed at Panama’s Medicine and Forensic SciencesInstitue have confirmed that remains found in Bocas del Toro matched the second Dutch tourist Kriss Kremers, 21, who went missing along with Lisa Froone on April 1.

Last week, DNA tests determined that remains found earlier were of Froon, also of the Netherlands.
Sources of the Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that the result was obtained after comparative DNA tests were done to the pelvic bone that was found along the Culubre River in Bocas del Toro along El Pianista trail. Also found in the area were Froon’s remains and a backpack belonging to the two women.
Prosecutor Betzaida Pittí will be issuing a statement about this result.
Pittí said that the pelvic bone was sent to a lab Monday and its DNA compared to samples submitted by the parents of the missing women. Pittí said that parents of the Dutch women have been kept informed of the latest developments in the case. Reports La Prensa.
She added that additional searches of the El Pianista trail are planned to see if additional evidence can be uncovered. Pittí said that efforts are being made to determine what happened to the women.