Panameista Party seeking 3-year “governance” alliance

THE PANAMEÑISTA Party has proposed a “governance” alliance with the PRD in the National Assembly of at least three years, but for some negotiators, the time frame has yet to be decided.

Luis Barria, Panameñista elected deputy and member of the negotiating committee, said that the alliance is aiming for three years and not one as some suggest.

Leandro Avila, deputy of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) and also a member of the negotiating committee, said on TVN Radar program that for now he is thinking of an alliance for a year.

One of the sticking points is who will assume the presidency of the Assembly.

The Assembly will be installed on July 1, and will start without the 71 component members as some results are being contested.

The two parties will continue the talks in the next few days

The commission is composed of: Panameñistas – José Luis Varela, Luis Adolfo Valderrama and Barria, and Peredistas – Leandro Avila, Benicio Robinson and Pedro Miguel González.

Panameñista Party seeking 3-year “governance” alliance
THE PANAMEÑISTA Party has proposed a “governance” alliance with the PRD in the National Assembly of at least three years, but for some negotiators, the time frame has yet to be decided.
Luis Barria, Panameñista elected deputy and member of the negotiating committee, said that the alliance is aiming for three years and not one as some suggest.
Leandro Avila, deputy of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) and also a member of the negotiating committee, said on TVN Radar program that for now he is thinking of an alliance for a year.
One of the sticking points is who will assume the presidency of the Assembly.
The Assembly will be installed on July 1, and will start without the 71 component members as some results are being contested.
The two parties will continue the talks in the next few days
The commission is composed of: Panameñistas – José Luis Varela, Luis Adolfo Valderrama and Barria, and Peredistas – Leandro Avila, Benicio Robinson and Pedro Miguel González.