PRD-Panameista governance pact on the way

THE PRD and Panameñista parties are set to form a “governance pact” in the National Assembly, with a PRD legislator taking on the role of Assembly President in the period starting July 1.PRD Deputy Benicio Robinson said that the 23 members of the PRD will join with the 13 Panameñista members.

Robinson said that they still do not have a candidate for the presidency of the but that would be discussed in the final negotiating meeting on Tuesday. June 24.

He added that both parties are committed to good governance.

The two parties met on Thursday night, June 19  to discuss an alliance for the legislative period. They have been discussing what they have named a “governance pact” in the country On July 1 there will be 58 Assembly members sworn into office. There are 13 deputies whose races are being contested.

In a press conference, the PRD demanded that the Tribunal Electoral (TE) resolve challenges to the elections in the 2-1, 4-1 and 9-1 electoral circuits so that all elected members of the group receive their credentials before July 1, when the new National Assembly is installed.

The National Executive Committee of the PRD said that the challenges presented in these circuits “are unfair and arbitrary” and have nothing to do with the challenges filed against pro-government deputies who are facing accusations of using state resources for political purposes.

“The PRD did not use any state funds as we are the opposition,” said PRD leader Javier Acha. “Our members obtained their votes with their proposals,” reports La Prensa.PRD-Panameñista governance pact on the way