Red alert for fugitive former spy chief in Panama,

A GROUP of Colombian lawyers has asked President Juan Manuel Santos and Attorney General Eduardo Montealegre to request urgent extradition from Panama of the former Department of Security Director. 

Lawyer José Alvear Restrepo said that they are concerned about Maria del Pilar Hurtado being a flight risk.

"We make a call to other governments of Latin America and the world to refrain from allowing her entry, given that she is a fugitive from Colombian justice," he said.
According to the lawyers, they are concerned Hurtado will try to flee Panama now that itd Supreme Court has revoked her asylum. Declaring it unconstitutional.
"Hurtado is not being persecuted politically, but was part of a strategy of political persecution orchestrated from the highest body of state intelligence under the government of former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez, against the Colombian opposition. Their crimes are not likely to be considered for any applications for asylum," said Restrepo.
The Colombian Prosecutor's Office has requested the Ambassador of Colombia in Panama Angela María Benedetti to begin extradition proceedings.
Later on Saturday a red alert was sent to Interpol.
According to a report in  El Tiempo, the action of the Colombian authorities is because in the period between the decision and the signing of the judgment of the judges of the Panamanian court , Hurtado maintained lawful immigration status and therefore would have no problems in leaving the country .
With a red circle against Hurtado  entry to any other country would have to be reported to Interpol for arrest and deportation to Colombia, reports La Prensa.
The document is signed by the managing director of the International Office, Francisco Echeverry , delegated by the attorney for the legal status of Hurtado, investigated for illegal wiretapping in Colombia 's intelligence agency during the government of Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010).
Hurtado, must answer to justice in Colombia for several offenses, including aggravated conspiracy and unlawful violation of communications.
She was allegedly involved in the monitoring and wiretapping of journalists, judges , congressmen and defenders of human rights during the government of Alvaro Uribe ( 2002-2010).