Donations needed to help cover cost of search for missing girls

NO TRACE of two young Dutch tourists, missing in Boquete was found on Friday, May 3, the fourth day a team of tracking dogs and their handlers from Holland had joined in the search.

Donations to cover the $95,000 can be made in Panama.

Costa Rican Red Cross workers also joined the massive hunt involving police, the Civil Security body (SInaproc) and volunteers. They are looking for clues to the disappearance of Lisanne Froon, 22, and Kris Kremers, 21 who have not been seen since April 1.
The 8-hours a day search operation will continue through the weekend.
The Parents of the missing girls have offered a $30,000 reward for information on the whereabouts of their daughters and a Dutch TV show has offered an additional $10,000
Jerome Van Passel , a spokesman for the families, said they will not rest until they are found.
The current sweep began on Tuesday, May 27 and runs through June 4 , and foreign specialists could return to the country at a new date reports La Prensa.
The operation will cost close to $ 95,000 says La Prensa and a bank account has been opened in Panama for donations to aid the search The account details are: Bank Towerbank International: Account Number 03-01-003867-6 , payable to: FindkrisandLisanne .