Assembly environment committee thumb noses at action

GOVERNMENT moves to reduce the Bay of Panama wetlands to aid developers are on track during the extraordinary sessions of the National Assembly but discussing plans to create a wildlife area couldn’t draw a quorum.

On Tuesday, May 27, The Environment Committee did not discuss the proposal to make Juan Hombrón in Coclé a protected area due to a lack of a quorum.

Of the committee's nine members, only two attended the meeting, Chairman Hernán Delgado and Jorge Dutari, the alternate for PRD Deputy Elías Castillo.
The law is one of more than 20 proposals submitted to the National Assembly by President Ricardo Martinelli to be discussed in the extraordinary session. It establishes that the area of Juan Hombrón will be declared a "wildlife refuge" area.
The area was a source of discord between former Minister of Economy and Finance Alberto Vallarino and former Minister of the Presidency Jimmy Papadimitriu reports La Prensa