Panama gets 3rd extradition request for asylum seekers

PANAMA’S REPUTATION as a safe haven for absconding politicians may be taking a battering as extradition requests pour in.  

In the last week one political asylum seeker has had the welcome mat removed and will head back to Chile to serve a sentence for involvement in a triple murder.

Meanwhile Colombia is calling for the extradition of a former spy chief and ,on Thursday, May 22, the Supreme Court of El Salvador approved a request for extradition that will be submitted to Panama for former President Francisco Flores.

The request was approved by 12 of the court's 15 judges. It was done although it is not known if Flores is in Panama.
The court said the extradition request should be submitted through diplomatic channels.
Flores is accused of embezzling $15 million that was given to his country by Taiwán while he was president. He is also charged with failing to appear at a legislative hearing on the issue.
There are rumors that he is being sheltered by former President Mireya Moscoso though she has denied it. Her presidency was marred by allegations of misplaced and disappearing donations from Taiwan. She has, called Flores a close friend. Panama officials have found no evidence that Flores is in Panama reports La Prensa.

Sitting in a Panama Jail is a Canadian wanted to face trial over the disappearnce of multi millions of dollars at McGill University  Health Center. He and his wife were arrested at Tocumen International Airport en route from the Bahamas to the Cayman Islands. His wife returned to Montreal to face the music. He is opposing extradition.