Prosecutor says report of finding bones of missing girls false

Lisanne Froone and Kris KromersREPORTS of the discovery of the bones of two missing young Dutch female tourists have been denied by Chiriquí prosecutor Betzaida Pittí ,while their families have increased the reward for information to $40,000.

The false reports alleged the finding of skeletal remains of Lisanne Froon, 22 and Kris Kromers, 21,in the area known as Culebra Cut, in the Cordillera, Bocas Del Toro.

 "This office which is investigating the disappearance of the Netherlands, has not received any report, of the finding of a skeleton in this area, and we do not know the source of this kind of information but reporting has to be responsible," said Pitti.
She said that the office would be irresponsible to give false information about the case, considering that the families of the missing and the Dutch press are very aware of developments.
Pittí reiterated that in places where they have been looking nothing was found and there was no indication of anything belonging to the Dutch girls. . “There is no evidence of anything," she repeated.
Officials of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation on Thursday, May 16, conducted a large scale sweep of Boquete, Chiriqui, looking for clues, but found nothing said patrol member Luis Miranda.
The families have decided to increase to $40,000 the reward for those who give information on the whereabouts of the two girls. They  were last seen in the Volcan Baru on April 1.