Arias candidacy dangerous Ruben Blades

INTERNATIONALLY renowned Panamanian singer and actor Ruben Blades has labeled the candidacy of José Domingo Arias, presidential candidate of the ruling Democratic Change as “dangerous” for Panama.

On his official website, Blades said Thursday, May 1, that in his view the Arias bid is not “suitable“ for the country .

In his view, public opinion shows there is a perception that the government candidate is not master of what he says, thinks or does in the political arena.
To this is added, his criticism of the choice of Marta Martinelli, t wife of the current president , as the Arias running mate.
According to Blades, this fact does not contribute to the perception of independence of the candidate. On the contrary, it supports the idea we have of the unscrupulousness that the party in power has shown throughout its term in office.
Panama has rejected immediate re-election and the continuity of a party in power , “but now we face covert imposition.”
While cautioning that he is not asking for a vote for any candidate, the former Minister of Tourism and one time presidential candidate indicates that “the current electoral situation obliges me as a matter of principle , to record my position on issues that I consider critical to the future of our public institutions and the Panamanian democratic process. “
“ I wanted to express some personal views about the electoral moment to express my conviction that the candidacy of José Domingo Arias is not suitable for the country,”