Panamas electricity needs still near crisis

ENERGY SAVING  measures  and the arrival of rain to help with hydro electricity generation, still leave Panama’s energy needs close to  the danger zone.

The decrease of the daily energy demand to 300,000 megawatts decrease is not sufficient despite the call for ??electricity saving by the energy ministry .

The record energy demand was recorded March 18 when the whole system required 465,000 megawatts  while increased consumption or the sum of the energy expended throughout the country reported on April 8 was 27, 504 megawatts / hour.

If we compare these maximum demand and consumption last Thursday, reports La Prensa it appears that there is little variation since March 17, in spite of- savings measures with emergency plants of companies and industries being utilized between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm to help the generation system .


Meanwhile, the dam of Fortuna , which has the capacity to generate up to 300 megawatts , is almost 20 meters above the critical level. This reserve has improved due to rains in the mountains of Chiriqui in recent days.

While Bayano , barely two meters above minimum level due to lack of rain in this area.

Due to drought hydroelectric generation is only 32 % , while 50 % is based on bunker oil and diesel, 4.2% self-generation by the Panama Canal Authority , 4.3 % carbon generated and 2.4 % import from Central America.