Panama Construction workers down tools

CONSTRUCTION projects across the country came to a halt on Wednesday, April 23,  as talks between the union representing over 75,000 workers, and the employers’ guild, (Capac) failed to reach an  agreement after protracted meetings.

The National Trade Union of Construction Workers and Related Trades (Suntracs) carried out its threat  and got its member to down tools, paralyzing  a significant number of projects including,, say early reports, the Canal expansion project . Onlt two days earlier President Ricardo Martinelli , had visited the site in Colon, as part of his ongoing photo-op campaign in support of CD pesidential candidate, Jose Domingo Arias. He expressed satisfaction with progress on the third set of locks, already behind schedule following a dispute between the contracted consortium and the Canal Authority.

Workers have been told not to leave the vicinity of projects, or block roads, pending a ratification vote later in the day, reports La Prensa.

Business groups have warned of significant harm to the country’s economy if the strike continues.

" If at the end of the day if  it is determined that the majority of workers support the strike, it will go on indefinitely , as was approved last week in the General Assemblyof the union,"  said a Suntracs spokesman