Waterless Chorrera declared emergency zone

AFTER 72 HOURS without drinking water, following a burst water main, the district of La Chorrera was declared an emergency zone on Saturday March 19.

Thd announcement came from theNational Civil Protection System (SINAPROC) as they struggled to provide water for over 1,200 homes affected by the rupture of a 60 inch diameter pipe on Wednesday.

As hundreds of families headed into the town center in search of water, SINAPROC installed eight portable water treatment plants on the banks of the River Caimito, each with a capacity to purify 500 liters an hour.

Arturo Alvarado , director general of SINAPROC said they tried to supply bottled water to the population , but this was not possible because the companies that supplied the market were closed for the celebration of Easter.

Throughout the weekend hundreds of frantic families packed Plazas November 28 and Italia , and Avenida Libertador and the area around the River Trapichito where there were tank cars.