Water crisis worsens in Chorrera
WITH THOUSANDS of users in Chorrera without water and supermarkets out of bottled supplies the Civil defense agency Sinaproc has installed a mobile water purification plant on one of the banks of the Caimito River.
The crisis began Wednesday with the rupture of a 60-inch water line from the Mendoza treatment plant.
According to officials from Sinaproc, the plant can produce 500 liters per hour reports La Prensa. Residents stood in long lines with buckets and containers
Cano Abdiel, director of wáter and sewer agency Idaan, said that repairs to the break are complicated and that advise is being sought from experts. The Panama Canal Authority is also assisting with the repairs.
Cano said that it is difficult to establish a timeline for the resumption of water supplies because, even after repairs are made, the system needs to be re-pressurized.