Electoral Tribunal judge predicts election fraud

THE PRESIDING judge of the Electoral Tribunal ( TE) , Erasmo Pinilla , on Tuesday April 15 denounced the existence of a tactic to challenge the institution and perpetrate a fraud in the upcoming Panama elections on May 4.
"There are fraudulent spirits. Someone is planning a fraud and they want to disqualify the TE "said Pinilla during an interview on Telemetro.
"We are at a crucial moment of the electoral process in the serenity and transparency are essential ," said Pinilla.
The judge has been subjected to several attacks by the government and other citizens in recent weeks.
On Tuesday the secretary general of the University of Panama , Miguel Angel Candanedo certified that Pinilla graduated in law and political science in this school .
The clarification comes after the former driver of Pinilla request the information, and the dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science , Gilberto Boutin , denied the existence of such records on file.
President of the Republic , Ricardo Martinelli , who had called for the firing of Pinilla and the other judges in 2012 , said Tuesday that he supports the TE and Pinilla.
Alma Cortes. Secretary general of the CD party, denied any plans to facilitate election fraud.