Panama reaching out to Venezuela Foreign Minister

FOREIGN MINISTER Francisco Álvarez De Soto says that "Panama has stretched out jts hand" to Venezuela to "restore diplomatic relations" broken by President, Nicolas Maduro claiming interference in its internal affairs.

Francisco Álvarez De Soto

He said Sunday March 8 that Panama deplores "the use of profane vocabulary that is not acceptable in the diplomatic world and among states."

He said that "Panama has no other intention other than to maintain the best relations with Venezuela" and defended the attempt to get the Organization of American States (OAS) to discuss the crisis in Venezuela.

"At no time have we lacked respect for any authority in Venezuela", said Alvarez De Soto, who added that Panamanian authorities have received "only disrespect and very little diplomatic management" from Venezuela.

The Permanent Council of the OAS approved a joint declaration Friday which "supports" the dialogue initiated by the government of Venezuela to resolve riots in that country. It also calls on that government to respect human rights and expressed its respect for non-intervention in the internal affairs of the country.