Pressured First Lady steps down

Marta Martinelli, wife of President, Ricardo Martinelli finally succumbed to public pressure and, on Monday evening, announced that she  is stepping down from the Office of the First Lady to devote herself to politics.

"With this decision I can fully commit to the campaign … I hope my gesture inspires, even those who attack us for us to make a more serious and purposeful campaign," said a statement signed by the former First Lady.

The decision of the vice presidential candidate of the country was given 27 days after being elected by governing party, Democratic Change, as the running mate of José Domingo Arias , presidential aspirant.

Earlier she had said it did not have to leave the office because she was not an officer. The resignation comes after different sectors of organized civil society and political parties criticized the fact that she stayed in the Office of the First Lady, where over $2million of public funds are handled.