Maduro hurt by Ruben Blades letters

VENEZUELA President Nicolas Maduro , confessed Saturday that he was hurt by the two public letters Panamanian singer Ruben Blades addressed to Venezuela and reiterated his invitation to the Panamanian singer to visit his country.
Blades had canceled a planned visit. to Caracas 'The two letters from Ruben, hurt me because I love him , respect him a lot ( … ) Ruben Blades I still love and admire you and you are missing the opportunity that life has given you themarketplace to assist the Bolivarian Revolution that was expressed in the letters you once wrote, " said Maduro.
The president, confessed to being a “Ruben Blades fan and reiterated the invitation to Venezuela to sing the song " Plastic " from the album "Siembra " recorded by Panamanian singer with Puerto Rican Willie Colón in 1978 reports the Rfe news agency.
Maduro said: "He wrote that anyone who writes against the left say it's the CIA , I did not say that to you Reuben, and I'll say , I really do not think so ," he said .
Blades said in his first letter that Venezuela is sad and sharply polarized and recommended students create a “book of life " , while criticizing the government and opposition .
In a second letter Blades wrote to Maduro : “They should know, for example , the comments made by Vladimir Ilich Lenin in his pamphlet entitled , an Infantile Disorder Left-Wing Communism ( … ) In which Lenin’s errors committed in the name of leftism are cited ," said Blades in the letter.
Maduro invited him to join the “revolution" that "was in his song"
The President invited all the artists who have issued opinions on what is happening in the country, which for several days have seen protests against the government that have left 10 dead and dozens wounded, to travel to Venezuela.