Assembly president defends absentee legislators

THE PUGNACIOUS President of Panama's National Assembly, Sergio Gálvez was in defense mode on Thursday February 20 as he attempted to excuse the absence of large numbers of deputies from the Legislature, over the last two months.

They have been working on their political campaigns to attempt to secure their return to their well rewarded seats in the National Assembly following the May 4 elections.

Galvez, well known for his assiduous distribution of government funded goodies to his constituents, said success lies in its members community work and said : "Here the representative here the deputy, here the mayor are not going to miss work working for the community.”

But he acknowledged that "We must fulfill what the law says and the rules that we have to assist regular and special sessions of the permanent full National Chamber”reports La Prensa
Regarding the possibility of pay deductions being made to Members for not attending the plenary, Galvez said most would be willing to make that effort.