CARNIVAL ALERT 2: Festivities without contraband

A SURVEILLANCE operation and code named: "Carnival without contraband," will be in full swing during the March 1 to 4 festival festivities.
The initiative is backed by the Management and Prevention and Control ( DPFA ) of the National Customs Authority (ANA ) , says the agency.
Its aim is to prevent the smuggling of cigarettes, liquor,and forged money during Carnival.
DPFA inspectors will be deployed to various parts of the country as part of the operation, specifically in the Atlantic province of Colon, north of the capital city, the central provinces and along the Inter American Highway .
The administrator of the Northern Customs Colón, Luis Javier Cordoba, said that, this will be a joint effort with other state security agencies to ensure the public carnivals without smuggling.
In addition to customs inspectors, more than 18,000 thousand men and women have the task of ensuring security during the four days of Carnival across the country.
Carnivals are a major festival celebrating by Panamanians in both Panama City and the interior of the country, and generate millions of dollars every year in foreign exchange.