President punched as society wedding brawls erupt

FOR THE BRIDE, it should have been the Panama society wedding of the year attended by politicians , wheelers and dealers, former allies and those close to the corridors of power. Instead it was an event to forget.
And in the age of Twitter and other social networks, the early busting of the electoral pact became the hot subject of the weekend and first day of the week. “Wedding on the beach ends in fights” said La Estrella on Monday February 17. It continued – “Despite the insistent call of the Catholic Church to maintain a harmonious and tolerant electoral climate, the political elite continues to play scenes that sully respect for human dignity, privacy and the spirit of electoral ethical pact.
Again political figures worshiped intolerance. Details of the incident exploded on the social network Twitter on Sunday morning . The actors of the episode: the president Ricardo Martinelli, chairman of the Democratic Change party , and Jaime Aleman a Panameñista party militant , who was Panama’s ambassador to the U.S. during the current government. The scenario: a wedding in the resort of Buena Ventura, in Cocle.
But not just any wedding. It was the wedding of a daughter of Alberto VallarinoPanameñista, millionaire businessman. and former Minister of Economy and Finance during the CD-Panamenista love-in coalition until Martinelli broke the partnership apart with the firing of Foreign Minister Juan Carlos Varela, now the Panameñista presidential candidate
The serenity and joy of holding one of the most important in the life of any woman was clouded by discussions between politicians and businessmen.
The guests invited to the beach, dressed in white, witnessed an early nasty pushing and shoving over cocktail glasses.

Sources who asked not to be identified told Estrella the first major incident was between President Martinelli and former ambassador Aleman. The discussion  started with an exchange of words, apparently initiated by Martinelli in which insults and vulgar terms reigned.

Martinelli allegedly complained of allegations that Aleman made against him in private,. Words drew words, and shadow boxing came to shoving and punching. According to witnesses of the discussion the President was injured .
To end the fight had the president’s bpdyguards and deputy Francisco ' Pancho ' Aleman stepped in.
Other sources claim that the Manager r of the Tourism Authority , Solomon Shamah , also tried to separate the political rivals.
A second incident would have arisen, some guests, included entrepreneurs 'Boli' Barcenas and 'Tito' Paredes ex head of Metro Bank.
Barcenas allegedly challenged the banker about a video. Parades countered with a punch and both had to be separated.
Informants agree that that the father of the bride Alerto Vallarino was annoyed by the altercations involving four of his guests as they destroyed the harmonious celebration where other politicians were presnt.

On Twitter, the views spread like wildfire. Politicians of the ruling and opposition lawyers and citizens questioned and commented on the event with jocularity says La Estrella