Cost of education spearheads rising price index.

WHILE campaigning politicians role out their plans for improvements in Panama’s education system, the cost of getting taught registered the highest increase in the Consumer Price Index ( CPI) in January, an increase of 5.2 %.
The news comes as 800,000 students prepare to return to their classrooms on February 24.
According to the latest report of the Comptroller General of the Republic The CPI, in the districts of Panama and San Miguelito, rose 3.4 %, compared with the same month of 2013.
In addition to education, health care and food and drinks reflected increases in the economic indicator.
Last year, inflation in Panama closed at 4%. In 2014 according to estimates by experts. inflation will be 6% or 7% reports La Prensa
The increase in the education sector is attributed to higher monthly fees at colleges and universities, and the increased cost of educational materials including textbooks and equipment such as computers.
The rise in the CPI is known a week before more than 800 thousand students enter schools, on Monday February 24.
Economist Rolando Gordon says that the increase in the CPI reflects, in part, the adjustment in the minimum wage that took effect in January in the private sector and has brought strong criticism from some quarters.