PRD composed of Trojan Horses senior defector

THE LEADERSHIP of the PRD is composed of “Trojan horses” and heading for defeat in the May elections said a senior member of the party while renouncing his membership on Sunday January 5.
Aldo Lopez Tirone, a senior member of the PRD, announced that he is resigning because, according to him the party is not following the ideals of party founder Omar Torrijos Herrera.
"I can't remain a silent accomplice of this betrayal," he said.
Lopez Tirone said in a letter to party Secretary General, Juan Carlos Navarro hat: "The PRD today is not the PRD I signed up with," adding that the party has been "hijacked by people who want to destroy it."
He also said the party's leadership is composed of "Trojan horses" and that the party is on the road to defeat in the 2014 election reported La Prensa.
Lopez Tirone is a former member of the party's executive committee and a former deputy in the Central American Parliament.
Tirone is not the only member of the party to express concerns over the direction in which the party is heading, with reports of “insiders” who are also close associates of CD leader, President Ricardo Martinelli and frequent internal dissensions about the direction of the Navarro election campaign, and the recent decision not to unite with the Panameñista party to form an opposition election coalition.