Martinelli group blamed for fake phone calls.

THE AVANZA pro Martinelli group run by a former presidential spokesman, and accused of operating dirty tricks programs is under fire again.. This time from Panamenista candidate Juan Carlos Varela.
They previously ran attack ads against PRD candidate Juan Carlos Navarro, which were ordered withdrawn by the Electoral Tribunaj. Avaz then got a ruling from the Supreme Court overturning the Tribunal's decision. That was declared unconstitutioal, and led to widespread calls for the reignation of the courts president, a Martinelli appointee.
Now Varela's campaign team is calling foul, claiming his name is being used to record fake messages that are being forwarded to citizens through phone calls.
"Pre-recorded messages that are false and negative are being made that have been bothering Panamanian households during new year's celebrations," explained the The blame is laid at the door of CD candidate José Domingo Arias for the messages that are allegedly are being done by the group Avanza.. Arias has previously denied he has any contact with the group.
Varela's team said that these tactics show the campaign is desperate..