Consumer Protection Agency upholds 112 season of goodwill complaints

IT IS supposed to be the Season of goodwill, but The Consumer Protection Agency has upheld 112 complaints  received during the holiday season’.

The agency has also assisted 3,827 consumers from across the country.

The result of the upheld complaints was the return of $17,383 worth of merchandise due to defective merchandise, mainly electrical appliances, and misleading advertising.
The number exceeds the $15,618 in returned merchandise from 2012, when 110 cases were resolved reports La Prensa.
The operation began on December 5 and ends in malls across the country on December 29.
The agency has also assisted 3,827 consumers from across the country.
The agency will end its holiday operation tomorrow at different malls in the country.
The entity has recommended citizens review and try items acquired before leaving the premises.