Uruguary seizes Panama flagged drug smuggling ship

WHILE THE RHETORIC between Panama and Panama is still heating up over a Panama vessel detained after being caught with a drug cargo, Uruguayan authorities have seized another Panamanian ship.
The latest seizure took place on Saturday in Montevideo with "more than a ton of cocaine" on a Panamanian-flagged ship from Peru. The crew of nine have been arrested informed official sources told AFP news agency.
"We are talking about more than a ton of cocaine was seized in a Panamanian-flagged ship manned by six Colombians and three Panamanians," Uruguayan. Navy spokesman Gaston Jausolo told AFP .
The ship left Peru and was destined for Europe the official confirmed.
The case was transferred to the Court of Organized Crime, which will continue investigating the nine detainees.
Drugs and drug trafficking is still the focus of the country's agenda, although the Uruguayan Senate this month passed a law regulating the cannabis market.
The move, promoted by President José Mujica, is intended take the marijuana market out of the hands of drug cartels.