Mayor should defend peoples interests, not CD – Blandon

MAYORAL candidate Jose Isabel Blandon has called on Panama’s current mayor, Roxana Mendez, to defend the interests of citizens and not her political party.

 Blandon, who is a Panameñista deputy and at one time was an unpaid advisor to former mayor Bosco Vallarino as his rule imploded, said: "I cannot imagine a mayor [of Panama] keeping complicit silence " against a measure which seeks to allow private investors to fill 40 acres of seabed, between downtown and the Atlapa convention center.”

 That fill would be used to build a real estate development, and many voices have been raised against the project .
 Blandon informed Mendez , who aspires to re-election, that the highest authority of the city of Panama assumes the position of defending the interests of citizens, and Mendez "cannot remain silent while the government to which she belongs (Democratic Change) is conducting this filling . "
 Thefiller has been questioned, since according to experts on the subject the act would violate the Constitution in Article No. 258, which states that these areas cannot be allocated.