Canal expansion will be completed, with or without current contractor – ACP

THE PANAMA CANAL expansion project is not going to stop, even if the contractor fails to meet the contract deadlines says The Panama Canal Authority (ACP ) Administrator, Jorge Luis Quijano.

The (ACP ) can take control of the construction of the third set of locks if the contractor, Grupo Unidos por el Canal ( GUPC ) reduces the rate of progress or halts the development of the work said La Prensa on Monday, December 16.

" The project is not going to stop , we're going to finish this ," said Quijano , given the possibility that the contractor fails to meet the deadlines set by the contract. The construction expansion contract is 71 % contract locks contract 64% complete.
Although he said that will trust the "wisdom" of GUPC to continue the work and respect the established channels for making complaints, Quijano said that the ACP has " the right to practice and enable corrective mechanisms to complete the project."
The contract includes a performance bond involving the payment to the ACP of up to $600 million or the use of the surety to replace the contractor.