Martinelli labels opponents UFOs

 CALLING his political opponents UFO’S in space President Ricardo Martinelli addressed a special congress of the CD party on Sunday, December 15. to laud his achievements while in power.

 Martinelli told the membership that it is important to support presidential candidate José Domingo Arias and the party's alliance with the Molirena party.

Martinelli said that his "greatest satisfaction" will be the barrage of votes he expects Arias to get in the May election.
Martinelli, who was accompanied by his wife Marta Linares said that he has made many mistakes, but that he had enough sense to apologize and correct them.
The president launched critical remarks at the opposition candidates, saying they promise things that will not deliver."They talk about progress and opposed the expansion of the Canal," Martinelli said.
Arias said that the CD has changed the way of doing politics in this country.
"More Panamanians have emerged from poverty, I'm the only one who can give continuity to the work of this government," he said. "We will continue with more changes.”