Unhappy ex-ambassador resigns from CD party

FORMER AMBASSADOR Roberto Ruiz Díaz resigned Friday from the Martinnellii led CD party, saying he is unhappy with the direction the group has taken.
"If one does not believe in the projects of the candidate, it is best to get out and not be like others who are enrolled in other parties and support the CD," Ruiz Diaz.told La Prensa
Ruiz Diaz mentioned people such as Arnulfo Olivares of the Panameñista party and the PRD's Anel 'Bolo' Flores as those who remain in parties but who disagree with the leadership.
Prior to his resignation, Ruiz Diaz sent a note to President Ricardo Martinelli, who is also the party president, explaining the reasons behind his decision.
Ruiz Diaz was appointed ambassador to Ecuador in August 2009 and ambassador to Russia in January 2012. He joined the CD in 2006 after 16 years in the Panameñista party.
Ruiz Diaz said that he risked alienating friends and family in Veraguas by joining the party, but was proud to help the CD win the last election. He said after the election, however, he was given little recognition in Veraguas.