Supreme Court president again under fire

WHILE lawyers and civil groups are calling for the head of the president of Panama’s Supreme Court over a ruling he gave against judges of the Electoral Tribunal, he is again under fire.
Only four months after being appointed to the Supreme Court , Alejandro Moncada Luna ruled on behalf of businessman Gabriel Gaby Btesh by ordering the direct sale of a marine landfill in Punta Pacifica in which several businessmen were interested says La Prensa
In 2008 the, in view of the interest awakened among several investors , the land registry thought the best plan was to " convene a public meeting about the vacant areas and backfilled concession areas and seabed ."
The decision of the land registry say "concession" , would fit Article 258 of the Constitution, according to which the sea territory, beaches and shores belong to the State .
But on May 4, 2010 Moncada Luna ordered the direct sale of the lot to society Adnaloy Ltd., SA – linkedto Gaby Btesh – ignoring the opinion of the Office of Administration to convene an auction to sell the land.
The Ministry of Communication of the State accused La Prensa of "manipulating " the information, but was careful not to reveal details of the fault and refused to give its version says the newspaper.