Timing of public servant wage increase questioned

The announcement by President Ricardo Martinelli of a wage increase for civil servants, six months ahead of the election has been received with cynicism in some quarters.

Starting on Jan. 1, there will be a $25 increase to public servants who earn $375, according to the president.

National Federation of Public Servants Secretary Alfredo Berrocal said that the increase is still far short of the minimum wages paid by private companies.
"We do not share or believe that exclusions should be made for public servants," he said.
Panameñista Deputy Luis Eduardo Quirós said that although officials have the right to receive a fair wage, the action taken by the president is clearly motivated by politics.
He said the increase should have been granted early in the mandate of the ruling party.
Panameñista Deputy José Luis Varela also said that the announcement was clearly motivated by politics.

The National Police were given a 25% raise within weeks of Martinelli taking office and furthere increases have ben awarded.