Calls for firing of “incompetent” police chief after latest shootings

Retired general Rubén Darío Paredes called for the immediate resignation of “incompetent” Panama Police Director Julio Moltó. following recent police shootings resulting in two deaths and two injuries of civilians.
"The head of police is incompetent because there is no discipline or leadership from him toward his subordinates," the former general said.
He said the reaction in the wake of the two shootings has shown that the agency has no leadership. He also criticized the use of undercover agents in these situations, as civilians do not know they are police officers.
"It is reckless to carry out operations with plainclothes agents," he said.
Paredes said the firing of Moltó is needed for the agency to have a fresh start.
Enrique de Obarrio, former president of the Panamanian Association of Business Executives, said that the police actions are negligent, and demonstrate a serious lack of professionalism and dishonor the institution they represent.
"I can only make an echo of the large clamor by citizens that these negligent actions be stopped," he said, adding that the government should pay immediate compensation to the victims.
Attorney Giulia de Santis said that there "has to be a change in protocols and and change in attitude that the police help citizens and not fight them."
De Santis said that it is necessary that the police take a course on human rights so that they do not attack indiscriminately.
Ombudswoman Lilia Herrera Mow announced that she will open an inquiry into the shootings and called the incidents "alarming and worrying," reports La Prensa.