Medical strike continues as talks stall

TALKS between the Panama government and health sector representatives stalled Sunday, October 27, over two key issues and what health professionals call "government arrogance."
The government will not place a limit on the number of foreign medical professionals entering Panama or put in writing that it will nor privatize the health service say negotiators from the striking professionals including doctors, nurses abd medical technicians,
According to medical union leader, Fernando Castañeda, who took part in the talks which are being mediated by the Catholic Church, it has been difficult to reach an agreement because of the arrogant attitude of the government authorities.
Among other things, Castañeda said that Social Security officials do not want any limit on the number of foreign personnel, which is being insisted upon by the unions.
The government has also refused to put in writing that it will not privatize any aspect of the health care system. The two sides are also far apart on the issue of retirees.
Castañeda said that the government has also refused to conduct a census of available local personnel, which would create a solid foundation for setting a limit on the number of foreign professionals.
The talks are expected to continue.